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Production and Transit Times

Production time

Production Times

Our standard production time for custom orders is about 3-7 days, however we can expedite orders and even ship same day upon request in order to meet customer deadlines. Please don't hesitate to contact us or call our shop at 575.737.8521 for rushed orders and special handling.

Transit and Delivery Times

US Postal Service First Class: 2-10 days with about 5 days average

US Postal Service Priority Mail: 2-3 Days

US Postal Service Express Mail: 1-2 Days

Fedex 3 Day: 3 Business Days

Fedex 2 Day: 2 Business Days

Fedex Overnight 1 Day: Overnight / 1 Business Day

*** Please note USPS Express and Fedex have delivery date guarantees. Priority and First Class are not guaranteed and are considered a "best effort."

We are also happy to use preferred and alternative carriers such as DHL, On-Trac, and UPS as well as sending with shipping accounts in place of our standard shipping.


International Orders


USPS 1st Class: 7-28 days depending on customs and country.

USPS Priority Intl: 5-10 Days

USPS Express Intl: 3-5 Day

Fedex: 3-7 Days depending on country and shipping service